Mannatech’s TruHealth Signature Shake


  • 2 scoops of the TruPLENISH Nutritional Shake (chocolate or vanilla)
  • 1⁄2–1 cup fruit of your choice (frozen berries work great)
  • 2 cup(s) chopped, organic kale leaves with tough stems removed, or spinach
  • 6 ice cubes (for a more frozen texture)
  • 1 cup water, coconut water or almond milk
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon or pinch of stevia or xylitol
  • 1⁄2 tablespoon healthy fat (we recommend coconut oil or ax seed)


In a blender, combine fruit, kale/spinach, ice cubes, water, stevia, healthy fat and the TruPLENISH Nutritional Shake. Pulse a few times, then purée until smooth, scraping down the sides as necessary.

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